Als ich den Heiligen Koran das allererste Mal innig an mein Herz presste, da floss es maechtig in alle Herzkammern und erfuellte mich mit einem Mal, und ich verschmolz mit Arabien wie ein heimkehrender Sohn nach langer Reise ...
Und ich erkannte die Groesse Mohammeds, seines Gesandten, Rasul Allah, der Friede sei mit Ihm, und die spontane Naehe und Liebe, ja Verehrung, die ich zu Ihm verspuerte ...( 5 Ramadan 1412 H. )
Und der Engel Gottes,gelobt und gepriesen sei sein Name, stiess ein gluehendes Eisen auf dem der Heilige Koran befestigt war, mit Wucht tief in meine Brust, ohne Schmerz und Blutvergiessen, und versiegelte die Stelle mit einem Brandmal, die Shahadah
Und ich sah ein starkes Licht :
18 Ramadan 1418 H.
und Gott, der Herr schickte mich auf diesen schweren, gefahrenvollen Weg um Licht, Frieden und Hoffnung zu bringen und in die verzweifelten Herzen mit Gottes Hilfe zu pflanzen. Oft so einsam und allein, fern des Alltags und der Hetze und des Hasses .
Oft ein Weg meiner eignen innneren Verzweiflung und Nichtigkeit, auf dem mich der Herr tausend Male aufhob und ermutigte ...
Founder of IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun
The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement and Transformation ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT
The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided
Gründer der IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun,die erleuchtete Islamische-Universale Friedensbewegung und Transformation
ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT - Die neue Friedens-Ordnung der Rechtgeleiteten
2 Jumada Al Thani 1421 H. - 31. August 2000 - Hamburg - Almanya
Hamburg-Istanbul-Jerusalem *** Türkiye ve İslam için
Türkiye ve İslam için
Hamburg - Berlin - Istanbul - Jerusalem
Ceyhun Çelikten - Tabii ki Evet - ( Official Audio )
Allah sizi korusun Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan! - Allah bu büyük Türk Milletini korusun!
Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN
Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN
One Nation - One Flag - One Homeland - One State - One Heart Erdogan
Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN |
Friday, December 3, 2021
The Cairo Declaration: The Light and Hope for the Islamic Ummah 23. Rabiee Al Awal - 1424 H. - 24 May 2003
The Spade and the Glorious Qur'an | |
Order of the Day issued by The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim , to all IslamPeace-IUT Organisations, Institutions, Madrases, Yellow Crescent Pioneer Units and Da'awa Workers. The Order was read by the local Bagheban and YC Commanders during the daily roll-call after Fajr Prayers.
" Bismihi Ta'ala" BAGHEBAN-E ISLAM - TALA'IAYU AS-SALAAM - ZAREIN AL ARD ! As salaamu aleiqum ... We announce a state of full Alert effective immediately ! Al Saqoor, Al Nusoor and Al Fajr Units have ben reinforced and positioned to ensure maximum protection and security. The threats are real and must not be treated lightely ! Today the Muslim World is overshadowed by violent, and misguided groups. The peaceful majority of our people closes the doors in fear and desire to stay out of the controversy. SABR is the motto used too often to excuse their in-difference and apathy, although ALL would like changes for the better ! - SABR - Patience is a good vertue when applied correctly, but a lame excuse for passivness. Too many seem to lay low to avoid the storm, or hoping that it shall pass over their heads.
Since the events of Sep 11, which of course have started much before, the Kalashnikov and Dynamite belts have become symbols of destruction and fear. The Bagheban, raising a field-spade, from a pile in front of the commanders, declared with a powerful and thundering voice of faith, committment and compassion " TODAY THIS SPADE HAS BECOME A SYMBOL OF CONSTRUCTION AND HOPE ! THE SPADE IS OUR TOOL TO SHAPE AND BEAUTIFY THE ISLAMIC GARDEN, BAGHE ISLAM, TO BREAK THE GROUND AND LAY THE CORNER-STONES FOR A BETTER MORROW ! " The Bagheban then picked up a Holy Qur'an and held both in the right hand high into the air ... ' THE SPADE AND THE HOLY QUR'AN ARE THE SYMBOL OF THE BAGHEBAN, YES OF THE YELLOW CRESCENT AND THE ISLAMIC-UNIVERSAL TRANSFORMATION ! WE ALL TOGETHER SHALL CARRY THIS HOPE TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THIS EARTH, AND THROUGHOUT THE ISLAMIC UMMAH, JOINED BY THE LIKE- MINDED " ....
Bagheban-e Islam - Tala'iayu As Salaam, Zarein Al Ard , Muslim and Muslima ... YOU are the Ground Breakers, the Path Finders, Defenders of the Innocent, Preservers of Life ,Carriers of Hope, Champions of the Islamic Ummah, towards a better future, a better morrow ! YOU ALL, ONE BY ONE, fullfill a great historic mission, uplifters and representatives of the true Islamic Traditions, the pure in heart, the compassionate, closest to the teachings and example set by our beloved Prophet, Muhammad SAWAS, Messenger of Allah, Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala. His spirit and those of the early great companions pulses in your vains, and we salute you - Heros of the Islamic-Universal Transformation ! We, your Leaders are but your humble servants, as we all together are servants of Allah, SWT !
The world is in turmoil, fear roams the streets, Al Qaida has become a Name of horror and terror ! Their members being hunted from place to place from hide-out to hide-out ! WHAT A TERRIBLE WASTE OF ISLAMIC ENERGY - How much more could they have accomplished with the spade instead of the Kalashnikov ! The Islamic Nation is under condemnation, because of a FEW ! Does it really have to take the course of total confrontation ? - NO AND NO !!!
Our focus must be on the advancement and uplift of our own people ! We claim restitution from the West, but at the same time we claim restitution from the wealthy Arab and Islamic States , not for personal gain but for the welfare of the Ummah
We call upon these states : SHARE YOUR WEALTH , initiate reforms and educate your people for mutual benefit and advancement into a better future ! Rise to central positions within the Ummah, contribute and receive rich rewards in return !
Rise above apathy and fear - prove to yourselves, the Ummah and the world, what we REALLY are about - A NOBLE NATION , A GREAT NATION , A LIGHT AND GUIDING BEAM ! TAKE STOCK, TAKE CARE , TAKE COURAGE AND FOLLOW US !
The Yellow Crescent Peace Pioneers and Da'awa workers under the leadership of The Bagheban, are spreading in all directions to take this message of Light and Hope, like the messengers sent forth from Mecca and Medinah throughout the lands, in the early days of Islam. Allahou Akbar !
Wa salaamu aleiqum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatou
Bagheban-e Islam Khalil Abdullah, Al Andalusi, Al Almani
" The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim " Baadhoye Behesht Mivizand The Winds to Paradise are blowing !
IUT-AR HDQ - Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt - 23. Rabiee Al Awal - 1424 H. - 24 May 2003
The roll-call was concluded by handing each Peace Pioneer and Da'awa worker their field-spade and Holy Qur'an, the ensignia of the Bagheban-e Islam and the IP-IUT Islamic-Universal Transformation
Thursday, December 2, 2021
The Carpet Store Dream - Summer 2001
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Friday, September 3, 2021
" Kürek ve Kur'an-ı Kerim" - "The Spade and the Holy Qur'an "
Kürek ve Kur'an-ı Kerim"
ATA'I - ASHA'A - IUT Al Rashidun'un araç ve manevi rehberliği
Bagheban-e Islam - Kraliyet İslam Bahçesini güzelleştirmek için çalışan bahçıvanlar - Baghe Islam
"The Spade and the Holy Qu'ran "
The tool and the spiritual guidance of the ATA'I - ASHA'A - IUT Al Rashidun
Bagheban-e Islam - The Gardeners working to beautify the Noble Garden of Islam - Baghe Islam
Thursday, September 2, 2021
IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A - Moscow - Russia - CIS - FSU Liaison Bureau
East - Far East -
Восток - Дальний Восток
IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A
Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement - Moscow - Russia - CIS - FSU Liaison Bureau
Universalnoe Dvizhenie Prosveshchennogo Islama - Byuro svyazi - Moskva - Russkiĭ Federatsii
движение исламского мира во всем мире - Гамбург - Гранада - Стамбул - Самарканд * Бюро связи - Москва
IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A - Moscow - Russia - CIS - FSU Liaison Bureau
Monday, July 19, 2021
Sunday, July 4, 2021
15 Temmuz 2016 - Failed Military Coup - A Fateful Day written in Martyrs blood, who with heroism and loyality and their bodies protected the lawful elected Government.
15 Temmuz 2016 - Failed Military Coup - A Fateful Day written in Martyrs blood, who with heroism and loyality and their bodies protected the lawful elected Government. - In Blessed Memory !
We stand by President Erdogan alongside Millions of loyal Countrymen in Turkey and remember those dramatic, fateful hours.
15 temmuz darbe -
şahlanış marşı
We stand by President Erdogan alongside Millions of loyal Countrymen in Turkey and remember those dramatic, fateful hours.
15 temmuz darbe -
şahlanış marşı
insan bi kere ölür adam gibi ölür -
tank kovalama darbe
tankın önüne yatan darbede -
darbe günü
15 temmuz köprüsü -
Çelik çekirdek
Monday, May 10, 2021
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri - Vatan Marşı
Vatan için canlarını seve seve feda eden aziz şehitlerimize ithaf olunur.
Olur da düşersem hilal uğruna - Bağrına taş bas da ağlama
Şehitlik atamdan yadigar bana - Ağıtlar yakma anam
Anam anam sağ olsun vatan - Vatan olur mu bu dağdan bu taştan
Koynunda yoksa yatan
Biz doğuştan aşığız şanlı bayrağa - Vurgunuz biz ayla yıldıza
Bir ölürüz bin doğarız sen tasalanma - El değmesin yurduma
Anam anam sağ olsun vatan - Vatan olur mu bu dağdan bu taştan
Koynunda yoksa yatan.
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerince yapılan tatbikatlar, gösteriler ve eğitimler ile açıklamalara ve Instagram adreslerinden erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri YouTube Kanalına Abone Olmak için linke tıklayabilirsiniz.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
«Ceddin Deden» (Турецкий марш, 1911 г.) - Ансамбль им. А.В.Александрова / Red Army Choir - Музыка и стихи Али Риза Бея (Ali Riza BEY) Академический ансамбль песни и пляски Российской Армии имени А.В.Александрова Начальник ансамбля – художественный руководитель, заслуженный работник культуры России, народный артист Республики Северная Осетия – Алания полковник Геннадий Саченюк Дирижёр – главный дирижер, заслуженный артист России Николай Кириллов Турция, Стамбул Концертный зал Джемал Решит Рей (Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall) 4 апреля 2017 г.
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