Türkiye ve İslam için

Islamische - Universale Transformation - IUT
Hamburg - Berlin - Istanbul - Jerusalem

Türkiye ve İslam için - Für die Türkei und den Islam

Ceyhun Çelikten - Tabii ki Evet - ( Official Audio )

Allah sizi korusun Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan! - Allah bu büyük Türk Milletini korusun!

Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN

Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN

One Nation - One Flag - One Homeland - One State - One Heart Erdogan

Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet

Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Carpet Store Dream - Summer 2001

Bismihi Ta'ala

(Islamic Media Release - Shaval 1422 - Part of the Islamic Unity Campaign)

The Carpet Store Dream - Summer 2001

Inside a carpet store ...it's afternoon - not too much light outside or inside the store.
In front of me an empty space but piles of carpets to my right and left.

Two people start serving me, and fill the empty space with carpets.
But they do not pile the full carpets one on top of each other, but rather fold each carpet in half and the man to the left and the other to the right actually folded carpets in two piles, instead of one.

The piles grow. They touch each other and are actually very close together. Suddenly I see a man lying on top and in the center of these two not too high piles. He is dark - strange - doesn't move - like a mumi or a dead man. He is somewhat grayish, charred like a burnt corpse ? I can't figure it out, it's very strange. He looks peacefully and not in agony... I don't know who is lying there, I feel no fright or fear, only couriosity.... The man is tall, slimm and handsome
I can't figure it out ...

While I behold this scene, the two man stand near their piles. Now they start spreading more carpets, but this time they cover the man in the center of the pile.

This time they do not fold the carpets as they had done before, but they cover him with the full carpet. One man spreads his carpets from the left, the other man spreads his full carpet on top of the other carpets from the right.
It's now a strong growing pile, not the weak piles from before.
The man (Corpse ?)slowly disappears under the fast and high growing pile of carpets.

I feel at peace and at ease and very calm ...

End of Dream

Interpretation : The two men are a Shi'i and a Sunni
Their half folded carpet piles, although very close to each other were weak and not very appealing to the customers.

The man in the middle who lay with his body on both ends of the pile caused the change in the carpet merchants' attitude . They started to spread each other carpets now in full on top of this man and the pile became one strong pile .
Everybody was happy and at peace ....

This dream reminds of the prayer vision described as


Bagheban-e Islam , The Bagheban - Khalil Abdullah, Al Rashid, Al Andalusi - Al Assad Al Musaalim"
IslamPeace - IUT -Al Rashidun -The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement,
Baadhoye Behesht - Riach Ila Al Djenah - The Winds to Paradise - The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Mission
ATA'I-ASHA'A The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Mission and Transformation - IUT Al Rashidun
The Rightly Guided of the New Peaceful Order

Above release is now five years old - and much has changed since ...

Our focus and concern, our full energy, is directed at the gradual enfolding of the New Peaceful Order, Al Rashidun Al Jdudd, that will eventually effect the entire Islamic Ummah !

Now, Mukharram 1427 H. the dream interpretation has changed, revised to the new reality of the Al Rashidun Al Jdudd - The New Peaceful Order :

The two piles represent the old Order, partly occupied by Militant Islam, and trapped in its own inability of change and growth.

The person on top of the two piles represents the Bagheban-e Islam, the IP-IUT Al Rashidun Leadership and followers. Their sacrifice and efforts will bring about the change ! The charred corpse represents, war - civil strive -fitnah amongst Islamic factions, which we are witnessing already in Iraq, and which will errupt in full force, in the near future.
The Global Anti Terror War is still only in its beginnings and will unfortunately develop into much higher degrees than we can image by now ....

After that civil war, the great change will finally come - the Islamic Ummah in its Enlightened and Transformed state, will take its rightful and lawful place amongst the Nations ....

May God help us all - and may Allah - Sabhanaou wa Ta'ala be with the women and children and all the innocent, caught in this terrible conflict ...

The Bagheban - Al Rashid - Al Assad Al Musaalim

ATA'I-ASHA'A - Islamic-Universal Transformation - IUT , Al Rashidun

Friday, September 3, 2021

" Kürek ve Kur'an-ı Kerim" - "The Spade and the Holy Qur'an "


Kürek ve Kur'an-ı Kerim"
ATA'I - ASHA'A - IUT Al Rashidun'un araç ve manevi rehberliği
Bagheban-e Islam - Kraliyet İslam Bahçesini güzelleştirmek için çalışan bahçıvanlar - Baghe Islam

"The Spade and the Holy Qu'ran "
The tool and the spiritual guidance of the ATA'I - ASHA'A - IUT Al Rashidun
Bagheban-e Islam - The Gardeners working to beautify the Noble Garden of Islam - Baghe Islam

Thursday, September 2, 2021

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A - Moscow - Russia - CIS - FSU Liaison Bureau

East - Far East - Восток - Дальний Восток
IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A
Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement - Moscow - Russia - CIS - FSU Liaison Bureau
Universalnoe Dvizhenie Prosveshchennogo Islama - Byuro svyazi - Moskva - Russkiĭ Federatsii
движение исламского мира во всем мире - Гамбург - Гранада - Стамбул - Самарканд * Бюро связи - Москва

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A - Moscow - Russia - CIS - FSU Liaison Bureau

Sunday, July 4, 2021

15 Temmuz 2016 - Failed Military Coup - A Fateful Day written in Martyrs blood, who with heroism and loyality and their bodies protected the lawful elected Government.

15 Temmuz 2016 - Failed Military Coup - A Fateful Day written in Martyrs blood, who with heroism and loyality and their bodies protected the lawful elected Government. - In Blessed Memory !
We stand by President Erdogan alongside Millions of loyal Countrymen in Turkey and remember those dramatic, fateful hours.

15 temmuz darbe - şahlanış marşı
insan bi kere ölür adam gibi ölür - tank kovalama darbe
tankın önüne yatan darbede - darbe günü
15 temmuz köprüsü - Çelik çekirdek

Monday, May 10, 2021

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri - Vatan Marşı

Vatan için canlarını seve seve feda eden aziz şehitlerimize ithaf olunur.

Olur da düşersem hilal uğruna - Bağrına taş bas da ağlama
Şehitlik atamdan yadigar bana - Ağıtlar yakma anam

Anam anam sağ olsun vatan - Vatan olur mu bu dağdan bu taştan
Koynunda yoksa yatan

Biz doğuştan aşığız şanlı bayrağa - Vurgunuz biz ayla yıldıza
Bir ölürüz bin doğarız sen tasalanma - El değmesin yurduma

Anam anam sağ olsun vatan - Vatan olur mu bu dağdan bu taştan
Koynunda yoksa yatan.

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerince yapılan tatbikatlar, gösteriler ve eğitimler ile açıklamalara http://www.tsk.tr​ ve http://bit.ly/2LLqQNg​ Instagram adreslerinden erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri YouTube Kanalına Abone Olmak için linke http://wedia.link/TSKAboneOl​ tıklayabilirsiniz.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Turkey and Egypt resume first diplomatic contacts since 2013

“We have contacts both at the level of intelligence and foreign ministries with Egypt. Diplomatic-level contacts have started,” Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said.

Turkey and Egypt have started diplomatic-level contacts after years-long hiatus with disruption of relations.
“We have contacts both at the level of intelligence and foreign ministries with Egypt. Diplomatic-level contacts have started,” Mevlut Cavusoglu said in an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency and TRT.
Noting that neither side put forward preconditions, Cavusoglu said ties distracted for years could not be built at once and easily.
He said having a lack of trust is also normal in such situations and may occur for both parties.
“For this reason, negotiations take place and continue under a certain strategy, road map,” Cavusoglu said.
Talking about Ankara's relations with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, Cavusoglu said if Saudi Arabia and UAE take a positive step, Turkey will reciprocate.
TRT world